
PM Kisan Samman Nidhi : Uplifting and empowering Indian Farmers, all you need to know

  The PM Kisan Yojana came into effect from December 1, 2018. It was launched by prime minister Narendra Modi-led government. Through this scheme all small and marginal farmers will get up to Rs 6,000 per year as minimum income support. This 75,000-crore scheme aims to cover 125 million farmers, irrespective of the size of their landholding in India. Features PM Kisan is a Central Sector scheme with 100% funding from Government of India. It has become operational from 1.12.2018. Under the scheme an income support of 6,000/- per year in three equal installments will be provided to all land holding farmer families. Definition of family for the scheme is husband, wife and minor children. State Government and UT administration will identify the farmer families which are eligible for support as per scheme guidelines. The fund will be directly transferred to the bank accounts of the beneficiaries. There are various Exclusion Categories for the scheme. Who is eligible for PM Kisan scheme?...

Brain Teaser For IQ Test: Only 2 out of 10 can spot the odd image of the African Lady within 8 seconds!

  Feeling exhausted or just caught up with that monotonous work plan, time to sneak some time to solve this interesting puzzle for a change. Brain teasers are typically puzzles that require creativity to solve than the use of mathematical formulas. Most importantly, brain teasers strengthen the connection between brain cells, increase mental agility, and help with short-term memory. Enough of words, now get into the action and spot the odd woman in the group. Faster, Time is Running! Can you spot the odd image in the collection? Brain Teasers require an unconventional way of thinking, however, sometimes it also involves an excellent quantitative approach. In contrast to the above image, you have to use your observational skills to find an odd image in the collection. Although the answer is just in front of you, you just need to be extra observant to not miss the minutest details. True to its name, Brain Teaser, it will be tricky, but still don’t look for the answer without attempti...

Netflix plans 2023: Best monthly and yearly Netflix subscription plans in India price, offers, and more

  Netflix plans in India are available in four tiers, each offering slightly different benefits than the other. That said, the catalogue of content remains unchanged. Even the most basic Netflix plan offers the same original TV shows and movies as the premium plan. The streaming platform announced  a price cut on the plans last year , making them more affordable than ever, to attract more consumers. If you are wondering which Netflix plan you should subscribe to, we have listed down all the plans along with their benefits. So, without any further ado, let's check out the new   Netflix yearly and monthly subscription plans   in 2023 that are available in India: Netflix yearly and monthly plans: Price in India, benefits Netflix offers a variety of monthly subscription plans in India, which now start from Rs 149. The prices of the Netflix plans remain the same across regions in the country, whether it's Delhi, Mumbai, or Hyderabad. The subscription is also available wit...

BATTLEGROUNDS MOBILE INDIA Pre-Registrations to start from 18th May on Google Play Store

  New Delhi, 14th May 2021  - Krafton, the premier South Korean video game developer, today announced the date for pre-registrations of BATTLEGROUNDS MOBILE INDIA. Developed by Krafton, the long-awaited pre-registrations for the game will go live on 18 th  May. There will be specific rewards available for fans to claim, only if they pre-register the game. These rewards would be specific to Indian players only. To pre-register for BATTLEGROUNDS MOBILE INDIA, please visit the Google Play Store and click on the “Pre-Register” button, and your rewards will automatically be available to claim on game launch. Krafton’s brand new game will launch as a free-to-play experience on mobile devices. We request players to stay tuned, stay masked and stay safe, for additional details on the pre-registration rewards. BATTLEGROUNDS MOBILE INDIA will be available exclusively to play in India only. For more information on the game, stay updated on news, and the vital security safeguards in ...

लाख जतन के बाद भी कुछ लोगों के चेहरे पर नहीं आ पाती रौनक, ये है मुख्य कारण

  लाख कोशिशों को बाद भी कुछ लोगों की त्वचा में चमक और ग्लो नहीं आ पाता है। आमतौर पर इसकी दो मुख्य वजह होती हैं। लेकिन इन वजहों पर काम किए बिना लोग जतन करते रहते हैं और फेल होते रहते हैं। हम यहां आपको इन दोनों कारणों और इनके निदान के बारे में बता रहे हैं। ताकि बहुत मेहनत के बिना ही आपके चेहरे पर नैचरल ग्लो हर समय बना रहे। कई तरह क्रीम और लोशन लगाने के बाद भी यदि आपकी त्वचा में वैसा नैचरल ग्लो नहीं दिख रहा है, जैसा आप चाहती हैं तो इन दो बातों पर सबसे पहले गौर करें। पहली वजह है आपके शरीर में पौषक तत्वों की कमी और दूसरी वजह है नोटिस ना किया जाने वाला डिहाइड्रेशन। यानी आपके शरीर को उसकी जरूरत के हिसाब से लिक्विड नहीं मिल पा रहा है। हालांकि गर्मी के मौसम में अपनी स्किन को डिहाइड्रेशन से बचाने के लिए सभी लोग तरह-तरह की ड्रिंक्स और शेक का सेवन करते हैं। आप चाहें तो थोड़ी सी जानकारी बढ़ाकर इन ड्रिंक्स के जरिए अपनी स्किन का ग्लो भी बढ़ा सकती हैं। क्योंकि सही जानकारी के अभाव में आप ना केवल अपने शरीर को नुकसान पहुंचा सकते हैं बल्कि इससे आपकी त्वचा की सुंदरता भी फीकी पड़ सकती है। स्किन को चाहिए...

No charges on transaction through UPI: NPCI

  New Delhi:  National Payments Corporation of India  (NPCI) on Friday said transaction through  Unified Payment Interface  platform would continue to be free. Reports that  UPI  transactions will be charged from January 1, 2021 are incorrect,  NPCI  said in a statement. Presently, no charges are levied on transaction done through UPI.

Apple iPhone 13 Pro models may get the most-anticipated display feature, 120Hz refresh rate

Prosser has cited a couple of reports stating that 120Hz panel is indeed coming to 2021 iPhones.   Since last year, Apple fans have been debating over the fact that when the company will include 120Hz refresh rate feature in its iPhones. This was said to come in iPhone 12 series last year but the rumours were busted soon by tipsters and analysts. And soon after the iPhone 12 launch, we started hearing the same rumours for iPhone 13. But this time, more number of credible analysts and tipsters have backed up the fact. One of the prolific Apple tipsters, Jon Prosser, has also been backing up 120Hz refresh rate feature for iPhone 13 since months. And he has done the same in his latest analysis. In his latest video, Prosser has cited a couple of reports stating that 120Hz panel is indeed coming to 2021 iPhones. However, it might not be there in all the four rumoured models. Although the names of the new iPhones have not been finalized, they are likely to be named with ‘iPhone 13’ monik...